Tutorial : The simplest app

h5xplorer allows to create an app very quickly thanks to default context menu that are automatically used if nothing else is specified. In a new file enters.

>>> #!/usr/bin/env python
>>> from h5xplorer.h5xplorer import h5xplorer
>>> app = h5xplorer()

Execute this file and you’ll be able to explore our hdf5 file. The default menu is executed in the background. The default menu file teaches us how t build our own context menu. Let’s look at it

>>> from PyQt5 import QtWidgets
>>> from h5xplorer.menu_tools import *
>>> from h5xplorer.menu_plot import *
>>> def default_context_menu(self, treeview, position):
>>>     """Generate a right-click menu for the items"""
>>>     all_item = get_current_item(self,treeview,single=False)
>>>     if len(all_item) == 1:
>>>         item = all_item[0]
>>>         data = get_group_data(get_current_hdf5_group(self,item))
>>>         if data is None:
>>>             list_operations = ['Print attrs']
>>>         elif data.ndim == 1:
>>>             list_operations = ['Print attrs','-','Plot Hist', 'Plot Line']
>>>         elif data.ndim == 2:
>>>             list_operations = ['Print attrs','-','Plot Hist', 'Plot Map']
>>>         else:
>>>             list_operations = ['Print attrs']
>>>         action,actions = get_actions(treeview,position,list_operations)
>>>         if action == actions['Print attrs']:
>>>             send_dict_to_console(self,item,treeview)
>>>         if 'Plot Hist' in actions:
>>>             if action == actions['Plot Hist']:
>>>                 plot_histogram(self,item,treeview)
>>>         if 'Plot Line' in actions:
>>>             if action == actions['Plot Line']:
>>>                 plot_line(self,item,treeview)
>>>         if 'Plot Map' in actions:
>>>             if action == actions['Plot Map']:
>>>                 plot2d(self,item,treeview)
>>>     elif len(all_item) == 2:
>>>         item0,item1 = all_item
>>>         list_operations = ['Plot Scatter','Plot Line']
>>>         action,actions = get_actions(treeview,position,list_operations)
>>>         if action == actions['Plot Scatter']:
>>>             plot1D(self,item0,item1,treeview,plot='scatter')
>>>         if action == actions['Plot Line']:
>>>             plot1D(self,item0,item1,treeview,plot='line')

Tutorial : A bit more advanced then