Source code for h5xplorer.h5xplorer

#!/usr/bin/env python

## Source :

import os,sys
from PyQt5 import QtWidgets, QtCore
from PyQt5.QtCore import QAbstractItemModel, QFile, QIODevice, QModelIndex, Qt, QItemSelectionModel
from PyQt5.QtCore import pyqtSignal,pyqtSlot
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QTreeView, QFrame, QFileIconProvider, QMenuBar,QErrorMessage, QMessageBox
import h5py
import functools
import numpy as np

# Import the console machinery from ipython
from qtconsole.rich_ipython_widget import RichJupyterWidget
from qtconsole.inprocess import QtInProcessKernelManager
from IPython.lib import guisupport
import types

from .default_menu import default_context_menu

class QIPythonWidget(RichJupyterWidget):

    def __init__(self,customBanner=None,colors='lightbg',baseimport=None,*args,**kwargs):
        """Convenience class for a live IPython console widget.
        Adapted from the pyQT example

            banner (str): banner on top of the console
            kernel_client (kernel_manager.client): client for the kernel
            kernel_manager (QtInProcessKernelManager): kernel manager

            customBanner (str, optional): Custom banner
            colors (str, optional): Colorschem for the console: lightbg,linux,nocolor
            *args: Description
            **kwargs: Description
        super(QIPythonWidget, self).__init__(*args,**kwargs)

        if not customBanner is None:

        # create an Inprocess kernel
        self.kernel_manager = QtInProcessKernelManager()
        self.kernel_manager.kernel.gui = 'qt4'

        self.kernel_client = self._kernel_manager.client()

        # set the colorscheme

        # exectute the base import
        if baseimport is not None:
            if os.path.isfile(baseimport):
                with open(baseimport,'r') as f:
                    cmd = f.readlines()
                cmd = ''.join(cmd)
                    self.printText('Import of %s failed' %baseimport)


    def pushVariables(self,variableDict):
        """ Given a dictionary containing name / value pairs,
        push those variables to the IPython console widget

            variableDict: dict of var {names: value}


    def clearTerminal(self):
        """ Clears the terminal """

    def printText(self,text):
        """ Prints some plain text to the console.

            text (str): text to be printed


    def executeCommand(self,command,hidden=False,interactive=False):
        """Execute a command in the frame of the console widget

            command (str): Command to execute
            hidden (bool, optional): hid the command or not
            interactive (bool, optional): Interactive Mode

    def import_value(self,HDF5Object):
        """Import the value of a HDF5 object

            HDF5Object (HDF5 item): Instance of a HDF5 item

    def get_value(self,variableDict):
        """Get the dict of variables emmitted by the treeview.
        Note: if the name of variable starts with _ the value is NOT
        printed in the console.

            variableDict (dict): dict of variables {name: value}
        # exectute a command
        keys = list(variableDict.keys())
        if keys[0].startswith('exec_cmd'):
            for k,cmd in variableDict.items():

        # push a variable in the console
        # print it if the name doesnt start with _
            for k in variableDict:
                if not k.startswith('_'):
                    self.executeCommand('%s' %k)

    def stop():
        """Stop the kernel."""

[docs]class DummyHDF5Group(dict): def __init__(self,dictionary, attrs ={}, name="DummyHDF5Group"): """Dummy HDF5 group created sometimes .... Args: dictionary (dict): attrs (dict, optional): name (str, optional): Name of the group """ super(DummyHDF5Group, self).__init__() self.attrs = attrs for key in dictionary: self[key] = dictionary[key] = name self.basename = name file = None parent = None
[docs]class HDF5TreeItem(object): def __init__(self,data_file,parent,name,row): """Create a new item for an HDF5 tree Args: data_file ( HDF5 data file): This is the file (NB must be the top-level group) containing everything parent (HDF5TreeItem): The parent of the current item name (string): The name of the current item (should be plus an extra component) row (int): The index of the current item in the parent's children. """ self.data_file = data_file self.parent = parent = name self.row = row if parent is not None: assert name.startswith( assert name in data_file @property def basename(self): return os.path.basename( _has_children = None @property def has_children(self): if self._has_children is None: self._has_children = hasattr(self.data_file[],"keys") return self._has_children _children = None @property def children(self): if self.has_children is False: return [] if self._children is None: keys = list(self.data_file[].keys()) self._children = [HDF5TreeItem(self.data_file, self,"/") + "/" + k, i) for i, k in enumerate(keys)] return self._children
[docs] def purge_children(self): """Empty the cached list of children.""" try: if self._children is not None: for child in self._children: child.purge_children() # We must delete them all the way down! self._children.remove(child) del child # Not sure if this is needed... self._children = None self._has_children = None except: print("{} failed to purge its children".format(
@property def h5item(self): """The underlying HDF5 item for this tree item.""" assert in self.data_file, "Error, {} is no longer a valid HDF5 item".format( return self.data_file[] def __del__(self): self.purge_children()
class HDF5ItemModel(QtCore.QAbstractItemModel): """This model takes its data from an HDF5 Group for display in a tree. It loads the file as the tree is expanded for speed - in the future it might implement sanity checks to abort loading very long folders. """ def __init__(self,data_group,res,extended_selection): """Init the class Args: data_group (HDF5 grup): HDF5 group res (qt resolution): size of the app extended_selection (bool): allow multiple selection """ super().__init__() self.root_item = None self.data_group = data_group self.iconProvider = QFileIconProvider() self.res = res self.extended_selection = extended_selection _data_group = None @property def data_group(self,new_data_group): if self.root_item is not None: del self.root_item self._data_group = new_data_group self.root_item = HDF5TreeItem(new_data_group.file,None,,0) @data_group.setter def data_group(self, new_data_group): """Set the data group represented by the model.""" if self.root_item is not None: del self.root_item self._data_group = new_data_group self.root_item = HDF5TreeItem(new_data_group.file, None,, 0) def _index_to_item(self,index): '''return the HDF5Item for a given index. Args: index (int): index of the item Returns: HDF5item: corresponding item ''' if index.isValid(): return index.internalPointer() else: return self.root_item def index(self,row,column,parent_index): """Return the index of the <row>th child of parent. Args: row (int): row index column (int): column index parent_index (QtCore.QModelIndex): Parent """ try: parent = self._index_to_item(parent_index) return self.createIndex(row, column, parent.children[row]) except: return QtCore.QModelIndex() def parent(self, index=None): """Find the index of the parent of the item at a given index.""" try: parent = self._index_to_item(index).parent return self.createIndex(parent.row, 0, parent) except: # Something went wrong with finding the parent so return an invalid index return QtCore.QModelIndex() def flags(self, index): """Return flags telling Qt what to do with the item""" return QtCore.Qt.ItemIsSelectable | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled def data(self, index, role): """The data represented by this item.""" if not index.isValid(): return None if role == QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole: item = self._index_to_item(index) # If the dataset is one number we print the value in the name #if item.parent.basename == 'targets': try: value = item.data_file[].value if not isinstance(value,np.ndarray): return "{:10s}".format(item.basename) + '\tvalue : %1.3e' %value else: if value.shape == (1,): return "{:10s}".format(item.basename) + '\tvalue : %1.3e' %value else: dims = ' x '.join(map(lambda x: str(x),value.shape)) return "{:10s}".format(item.basename) + '\tsize : ' + dims except Exception as ex: pass # for the rest just the values return self._index_to_item(index).basename elif role == Qt.DecorationRole: if self._index_to_item(index)._has_children: return self.iconProvider.icon(QFileIconProvider.Folder) else: return self.iconProvider.icon(QFileIconProvider.File) else: return None def headerData(self, section, orientation, role=None): """Return the header names - an empty string here!""" return [""] def rowCount(self, index): """The number of rows exposed by the model""" try: item = self._index_to_item(index) assert item.has_children return len(item.children) except: # if it doesn't have keys, assume there are no children. return 0 def hasChildren(self, index): """Whether or not this object has children""" return self._index_to_item(index).has_children def columnCount(self, index=None, *args, **kwargs): """Return the number of columns""" return 1 def refresh_tree(self): """Reload the HDF5 tree, resetting the model This causes all cached HDF5 tree information to be deleted, and any views using this model will automatically reload. """ self.beginResetModel() self.root_item.purge_children() self.endResetModel() def selected_h5item_from_view(self, treeview): """Given a treeview object, return the selection, as an HDF5 object, or a work-alike for multiple selection. If one item is selected, we will return the HDF5 group or dataset that is selected. If multiple items are selected, we will return a dummy HDF5 group containing all selected items. """ items = [self._index_to_item(index) for index in treeview.selectedIndexes()] if len(items) == 1: return items[0].h5item elif len(items) > 1: return DummyHDF5Group({ item.h5item for item in items}) else: return None def set_up_treeview(self, treeview): """Correctly configure a QTreeView to use this model. This will set the HDF5ItemModel as the tree's model (data source), and in the future may set up context menus, etc. as appropriate.""" # Make the tree view use this object as its model treeview.setModel(self) treeview.setAlternatingRowColors(True) treeview.setEditTriggers(QtWidgets.QAbstractItemView.DoubleClicked | QtWidgets.QAbstractItemView.SelectedClicked) treeview.setSelectionBehavior(QtWidgets.QAbstractItemView.SelectItems) # Set up a callback to allow us to customise the context menu treeview.setContextMenuPolicy(QtCore.Qt.CustomContextMenu) treeview.customContextMenuRequested.connect(functools.partial(self.context_menu, treeview)) # set the selection Mode if self.extended_selection: treeview.setSelectionMode(QtWidgets.QAbstractItemView.ExtendedSelection) class HDF5TreeWidget(QtWidgets.QTreeView): emitDict = pyqtSignal(dict) """A TreeView for looking at an HDF5 tree""" def __init__(self, datafile,res=None, menu=None,extended_selection=False, **kwargs): """Create a TreeView widget that views the contents of an HDF5 tree. Arguments: datafile : nplab.datafile.Group the HDF5 tree to show Additional keyword arguments are passed to the QTreeView constructor. You may want to include parent, for example.""" QtWidgets.QTreeView.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.model = HDF5ItemModel(datafile,res,extended_selection=extended_selection) self.model.context_menu = types.MethodType(menu, self.model) self.model.set_up_treeview(self) self.sizePolicy().setHorizontalStretch(0) self.mouseDoubleClickEvent = self.doubleClicked def selected_h5item(self): """Return the current selection as an HDF5 item.""" return self.model.selected_h5item_from_view(self) def doubleClicked(self,event): ''' Handle the double click on the different items If the item has no children its name/value are emitted and are pushed in the iPython console ''' # get the current item items = [self.model._index_to_item(index) for index in self.selectedIndexes()] if len(items)!=1: return item=items[0] # if the item has no children we push the raw data if not item._has_children: try: name = item.basename + '_' +'/')[2] self.emitDict.emit({name: item.data_file[].value}) except: self.emitDict.emit({name: 'Corrupted data'}) # or we skip else: return class HDF5Browser(QtWidgets.QWidget): """A Qt Widget for browsing an HDF5 file and graphing the data. """ def __init__(self, data_file, res, func_menu, baseimport=None, extended_selection=False, parent=None): super(HDF5Browser, self).__init__(parent) self.setWindowTitle("h5Xplorer") self.data_file = data_file self.res = res ip = QtWidgets.QFileIconProvider() fileinfo = QtCore.QFileInfo( icon = ip.icon(QFileIconProvider.Drive) # the tree widget if func_menu is None: func_menu = lambda a, b, c: None self.treeWidget = HDF5TreeWidget(data_file,res=self.res,menu=func_menu, extended_selection=extended_selection,parent=self) self.selection_model = self.treeWidget.selectionModel() # push button to load data self.load_tree_button = QtWidgets.QPushButton() #Create a refresh button self.load_tree_button.setIcon(icon) self.load_tree_button.setIconSize(QtCore.QSize(24,24)) self.load_tree_button.clicked.connect(self.load_new_data) # widget that contains the toolbar and the treeview self.treelayoutwidget = QtWidgets.QWidget() self.treelayoutwidget.setLayout(QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout()) self.treelayoutwidget.layout().addWidget(self.treeWidget) self.treelayoutwidget.layout().addWidget(self.load_tree_button) #the Ipython console self.ipyConsole = QIPythonWidget(baseimport=baseimport) # make the splitt window splitter = QtWidgets.QSplitter() splitter.addWidget(self.treelayoutwidget) #Add newly constructed widget (treeview and button) to the splitter splitter.addWidget(self.ipyConsole) self.setLayout(QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout()) self.layout().addWidget(splitter) # make the connection between the tree and the iPython console self.ipyConsole.import_value(self.treeWidget) def load_new_data(self): fname = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self,'Open File','./') fname = fname[0] if os.path.isfile(fname): if h5py.is_hdf5(fname): mol_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fname))[0] if mol_name not in self.data_file: self.data_file[mol_name] = h5py.ExternalLink(fname,'/') self.treeWidget.model.refresh_tree() else: errorMessageDialog = QMessageBox.information(self, "File Invalid", "Not a HDF5 File. if you're trying a netCDF3 file convert it to netCDf4 before") def sizeHint(self): #return QtCore.QSize(int(self.res.width()/2),int(self.res.height())) return QtCore.QSize(1000,600) def attach_menu(self,menu_func): self.treeview.model.context_menu = types.MethodType(menu_func,self.treeview.model)
[docs]class h5xplorer(object): def __init__(self,func_menu=default_context_menu,baseimport=None,extended_selection=False): app = QApplication(sys.argv) res = app.desktop().screenGeometry() w,h = res.width(),res.height() self.tmp_file = '.tmp.hdf5' self.data_file = h5py.File(self.tmp_file,'w') ui = HDF5Browser(self.data_file,res, func_menu, baseimport=baseimport, extended_selection=extended_selection) app.aboutToQuit.connect(self.cleanup) sys.exit(app.exec_())
[docs] def cleanup(self): self.data_file.close() os.remove(self.tmp_file)
if __name__ == '__main__': app = h5xplorer(menu.context_menu)